Bill Ellett and Al Doney started going to the DCYC with a handful of volunteers from their church. That’s when Bill first had a vision if kids knew how much God loved them, they wouldn’t have to be in chains– physically or metaphorically.
In those early years of service, we soon recognized kids need on-going support and encouragement, both inside and outside the facilities. Woody Winchell joined the team and mentoring was formally added in 2001 as Release grew beyond the walls of the DCYC.
Residential Home
The next major development, we recognized the kids coming out of DCYC needed a place to stay and grow. We opened up our first residential home in 2004.
Community Based Initiatives
From working with the kids in these homes, we also started working more with the kids’ families. This led us to expand into social work
Mental Health Services
We started to offer mental health services in 2017 to meet the needs of our kids. Since then, it has expanded to include kids and families throughout Omaha.
Foster Care
As an option for permanency for kids who needed it, we established foster care in 2018.
Closed Residential Homes
During the pandemic, we made the difficult decision to close our residential homes and focus efforts on meeting those needs through our mental health and foster care initiatives.
Permanent Building
For the first time, Release has a permanent home from which all of its programs and staff can work.